What is Paracosm
We most had vivid imaginations as children, where we were riding a dragon or accepted to the Hogwarts School of Magic. But it wouldn’t be accurate if we limit the term imagination to science fiction stuff for children. Everyone daydreams with different frequencies throughout their lives, adults and teenagers as well. This daydreaming generally can be about a possible and ideal future life, career, social environment, etc. Sometimes, these daydreams can be really detailed, creating a totally different life, a second life we live in our minds. This little Disneyland we want for life and dream about is Paracosm.

Some people may be unhappy with their everyday lives and reality. It is easy to tell people to create happiness from little things in their lives, but it is not easy to do this. When someone already started a Paracosm in their head and is deeply addicted to this dream, it is not easy to snap back to reality. Paracosm is not dangerous, and it can be handy to escape reality’s stress and make it easier to cope with our problems. However, contiunally daydreaming about this Wonderland and addiction to this beautiful drug is Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder (MaDD).
Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder (MaDD)
MaDD (Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder) is indeed a dangerous thing. How excessive alcohol makes people drunk, and how overeating chocolate creates diabetes; over dreaming constantly about Paracosm is MaDD. It can be hard to demonstrate in the mind, but MaDD is not only about dreaming. People suffering from this disorder have a totally different life in their heads, which they spend more time in. It is wrong to call this a dream because it is more than that. It is a detailed life, a detailed plan that the patient has created and is living in their minds. This is a second or double life because, for the victims of MaDD, this is their other life, just as detailed as reality.

People might wonder what is wrong with this, but it detaches the person from reality and obstructs their real-life duties. These people are present in the real world; however, their mind is far away from reality, on a different ideal life. The worst part is that MaDD victims can only be happy with this Paracosm, making it impossible to be satisfied in real life, which has a possibility of ending up in depression.
The Source of the Problem
But how exactly this starts? What can be the causes? First of all, we should go by the definition of Paracosm, the ideal and detailed world that we hide in from reality, which is precisely why people have this disorder. If a person has much to escape in the sensory world, they will spend much more time in their Paracosms, constantly daydreaming.

All people have had or will have times when they are unhappy or have no one to talk to. This is when the MaDD risk starts. Like drugs, when people start doing it, it becomes more addictive. People will create a Paracosm, live in it, become addicted to it, continuously think about it, and finally attach their happiness only to that. If a person follows this path, after this final stage, it is hard to reattach the person to reality because they will not find happiness after the life they created in their mind.

To sum up, Paracosm is beneficial to keep our creativity active. However, as with everything, exceeding the limit is harmful. If you think you need help, it is essential to seek professionals about the issue or talk to another person you feel close to. Always observe your environment. There can be lots of people suffering from this, and the best thing you can do is to help them finding happiness in their real lives.
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